Vehicle Loans


Car Financing

A personal loan to get you into a new set of wheels is relatively easy with Auckland Loans.

So has your car seen better days? Has the family outgrown what you’ve got at the moment?  Is it a first-time car purchase? Whatever the case let us help.

Our straightforward online application takes less than five minutes – typically we can let you know if you are approved within hours.

5 reasons to choose Auckland Loans for your car loan

  • 24 hour approvalapply online, or give us a call on 0800 323 130
  • Pre-approval – even if you haven’t found the right car yet, you’ll know how much you can borrow
  • Great rates – we offer outstanding rates to people with a good credit rating, and may be able to assist those with poor credit
  • 12-60 month finance terms available – we work within your budget
  • Flexible repayments – weekly, fortnightly or monthly, whatever suits you!

What next?

Simply apply online and we’ll do the rest.

Apply Today

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