Tidy up your Credit Score


Collection Agencies – Defaults

Collection agency debts: If collectors are breathing down your neck, satisfy those bad debts (defaults) with a personal loan.

Not only will the calls cease, but your credit rating may start to improve straight away, and by making regular, on-time payments to your loan you’ll get a better credit score.

Experiencing some bad debts in life is just that, it happens, and cleaning it up is not necessarily as hard as you think.

We understand that everybody’s situation is different, so we don’t judge, we’ll simply look at your overall circumstances and see what’s possible to help you out.

To get started, our online loans application form can be completed in less than five minutes.  Give it a go today.


Tidy up your Credit Score

A personal loan with Auckland Loans will get you well on your way to a better credit score.

  • special occasions
  • paying back friends/family loans
  • home improvements
  • holiday loans
  • property loans (mortgage financing)
  • dental and medical expenses
  • vet bills and other emergencies
  • weddings
  • vehicle loans
  • student loans
  • moving/relocating loans
  • funeral expenses
  • IRD tax debts
  • small business funding
  • and more…

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