Home Improvement Loans


Home Improvement Loans

So the house roof needs replacing or the deck you promised hasn’t panned out as yet?

Perhaps the carpets need an upgrade? There are hundreds of things to do around the home and it can be expensive.

Talk to us about our home improvement loans – following receipt of your application, we can normally approve your loan within hours. The money could be in your account overnight, so you’ll be able to get that project underway immediately.

Apply online in less than five minutes.

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An Auckland Loans, Home Improvement Loan is tailored to homeowners who want to add value to their existing surroundings.  It might be you doing some DIY or you’ve got some Tradies in mind for some big work.  Whatever the case may be, let us help you get it done.

Our home improvement and renovation loans do not necessarily require you to refinance or break your mortgage and is a totally separate loan from your first mortgage. We have many options available depending on your personal circumstances. With property finance, it pays to look at the big picture and find the right solution for you. If refinancing your mortgage is the best option for you, rest assured we will be able to assist with this also.

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