Get you finances sorted this Monday


Monday is a great day to…

It’s the start of the week and you’re probably stuck at home during COVID-19 so why not get sorted with your finances once and for all.

Debt that keeps hanging around bad smell holds you back – it’s time to take charge of your finances with a debt-consolidation loan and get yourself back on track.

If you’re struggling with credit card debt and other debts, why not free yourself and apply for a debt consolidation loan.  You can wrap up your credit cards and other debts all into one easy to manage ‘get sorted’ payment.

Our loan application process is quick and easy – around three to five minutes to complete an application online, backed up by a dedicated customer service team that helps hundreds of people just like you each and every month.

$5,000 to $30,000, in fact however much you need – if you are in stable employment we can help with a debt consolidation loan that can fit your individual circumstances and affordability.


Benefits of a Monday Consolidation Loan

The most common reason that people consolidate debt is to reduce their overall interest costs and payment amounts. The typical benefits of debt consolidation can include:

  • A reduced repayment amount overall
  • Lower interest rate on repayments overall
  • Only one creditor (payee)
  • Reduced fees and charges
  • An opportunity to get sorted and be in control of your debts*
  • Extended repayment period – up to five years


  • 18 years or over
  • NZ resident (citizen/permanent residency)
  • Be earning, employment or self-employed

*NB, at Auckland Loans we take our role as a personal lender seriously. When you take out a debt consolidation loan through us, we will encourage you to close down your credit card and charge card facilities, not just pay those balances off. A debt consolidation loan is a real opportunity for you to get sorted and back on track.  Being constantly in debt is not in your best interest long term – it’s great for the banks and those charge card trap providers but not you!

Get Sorted Bonus

We’ve found some great budget templates to help you get sorted on Google Spreadsheets – try them out here.

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